Tiếng việt English
    .:: Tin Tuc Moi
Operating wastewater treatment plant
Vận hành Nhà máy xử lý nước thải March 25, as witnessed by leaders of the JSC Development KCN Song May, the collective staff of employees on the plant wastewater treatment Song May Industrial Zone welcomes the morning after the operation first of the plant. Show detail... »
    .:: Invest Environment
    .:: Products - Services
GIÁ THUÊ ĐẤT VÀ PHÍ SỬ DỤNG CƠ SỞ HẠ TẦNG Criteria look forward to bringing real benefits to customers. In addition to perfection in terms of infrastructure and services, preferential price policy we are also one of the criteria for cooperation with you
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    .:: Business Yellow Pages
These enterprises are investing in Songmay IP
Những Doanh nghiệp đang đầu tư tại KCN Sông Mây


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    .:: Customer Support
Procedures for connecting wastewater
Thủ tục đấu nối nước thải To facilitate the enterprises in the Connect system water treatment system Wastewater concentrated Songmay industrial zones. Enterprises steps below: Show detail... »
    .:: Legal Documents

Slide show

truyen thong
truyen thong
Bản đồ KCN
Song mây


01/01/1970 08:1:00 am

Operating wastewater treatment plant
01/01/1970 08:1:00 am

Procedures for connecting wastewater
01/01/1970 08:1:00 am

New regulations on punishment in the field of environmental protection
01/01/1970 08:1:00 am

01/01/1970 08:1:00 am
